OK, Enough With The Whitney Houston Stuff

I have stayed away from the subject, but when I heard that NJ is going to be putting their flags at half mast I just couldn't do it anymore. With all do respect to Whitney Houston, that should be reserved to tragedies (9/11, death of a President) and service men/women. Whitney Houston was a drug addict that did what drug addicts usually do.. eventually do to much and something (death) bad happens. So, I am kind of over this whole thing.

So, since I am over it here are some of the best jokes I have heard so far...

"Looks like Whitney Houston is cool again now that she's just made the transition from mainstream to the underground."

"Whitney Houston ended her life the same way she ended her songs.
On a high note."

"I've decided to call my cock 'Whitney'. Because it likes to go stiff in the bath."

"Kevin Costner once again let us down."

My person favorite...

"Q: What's black, lies on the floor, "Will Always Love You" and has white stuff around it's nose?

A: A border collie. If you said Whitney Houston you're a terrible person.